You see, usually, when my hubby partakes of something with the confectioner's delight, he has a coughing fit. It is usually following a bite of powdered donut, or cake with a decent dusting. He ALWAYS takes a bite, and before he can swallow, starts a coughing streak. I usually laugh. He has yet to turn blue...he always recovers. Still, it's funny as all get out.
We decided this had to be an absolute truth when we were on our dinner cruise. DH got a bread pudding. It was YUMMY! He took his first bite and immediately started with his spasm of sputtering. We investigated his dessert and saw that there was just the slightest bit of a dusting on his plate....HIS PLATE! heh...it is still funny =)

This is how true this is....I dilute the stuff. In fact, you would probably have to soak something really dark, for a few hours, to get a lightening of color. My hubby walks past and next thing I know, we are tossing out something that has a dot or two of bleached out fabric. I even give verbal warnings...only by avoiding the location with about a 3 foot radius (which seems to be the "jumping capability" of the stuff) can he wear his clothes another day.
Well, there you have it. Another oddity in my family.
Tell "hubby" to stop eating powedered sugar products and LL, stop buying bleach. Problem solved! ;-)
i meant powdered! why don't you ever edit that!
HEH....I didn't notice....sorry
That is too funny. I never knew that powdered donuts had that affect on people.
I always sneeze after putting a mint in my mouth. The same thing happens to my sister.
But, it does look like your DH has a lot of work in the yard clothes in designer Polka Dots!!
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