Hey, y'all. This precious baby's name is Stellan. I found out about him through my friend here. I'm going to cut and paste her post.
"Maybe some of you remember me talking about this Sweet Baby last summer...when doctor's told his Sweet Mama that he wouldn't live to be born.
Well, there was a humongous prayer movement and he was MIRACULOUSLY healed of his life threatening heart issues. He was born healthy and has stayed that way until just a few days ago.
What started as an ER visit for some alarming respiratory symptoms ended with an dangerously high heart rate and an ambulance ride to a more specialized hospital.
Look at his tired face. This baby needs another miracle. His Mama needs another miracle. Please lift him up in prayer and tell all of your friends and family to do the same.
You can visit his Mama's blog by clicking on the button over there <--------. Leave her a comment to let her know you are thinking of her. She doesn't have time to reply to all of them...but she reads every, single one. "
The only thing I need to change is the arrow...I have Stellan's button over here ------>.
James 5:16 says: Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
So I'm asking that anyone who believes in the power of prayer, to please say a prayer for:
Stellan - that he experience a supernatural touch from God. Jehovah-Rophe: The Lord Who Heals
Stellan's family - as they face uncertainty and difficult decisions. Jehovah-Shalom: The Lord Our Peace
their finances - I don't really need to say anymore. Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Will Provides
Pass the word. Please put this button on your blog. Say a prayer. Copy this post if you want.
I've been praying for this guy and his family.
I am praying forsweet Stellan and his precious family.
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