Saturday, February 05, 2011

My Friend

I have this friend on facebook. I DO know her IRL. I know her sister. Her mom. Even her nephew. She has a wonderful outlook. She has a passion for the Lord and the Word of God. AND, she is having a hard time.

Her issue, to my knowledge, is that she doesn't know how effective she is being.

I know how she feels.

She is hurting because some that probably need to "hear" her words, don't acknowledge what is being said. I can imagine that some are being a bit ugly toward her, too.

I can only go by my own experience on that.

I had a "friend" who did not..... um.... appreciate the fact that I am confident in my faith.

It is a hard thing to go through. Is it persecution? Gosh.... I don't know that I would go that far. We are told that we are judgmental and intolerant. We are told that we "just don't know" what is in store in the here-after.

See.... that is where the actual conflict is. We DO know.... and because others don't seem to, then they attack our position, instead of searching it out on their own.

I am sorry for my friend. Not sorry as in pity. But, I do empathize with her hurting heart right now. I pray that she doesn't listen to the nay-sayers. I pray that she continues to post what God puts on her heart.

Specifically, to my friend: It is not your job to make sure that everyone reads what you say, or takes it to heart. It is not your job to make sure that this opens up meaningful dialogue between you and the reader. Your job is to listen to the Most High and post what He impresses upon you to post.

Remember, Jesus ministered in "small settings," too. You will reach the one who needs to read at the time. God will make sure of that.

Galatians 6:9 ~ And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.


Nifty Thrifty Me! said...


Nifty Thrifty Me! said...

I am still very new to this blogging. I have been kind of keeping under the local radar until I feel more confident. I am from Northern California approximately an hour and fifteen minutes inland from Mendocino. I am trying to read other blogs to expand my knowledge of what is out there. Thank you for taking the time to check mine out and for sharing your life with me.