OK...we've talked about this before...well, more than just once. I just want to be that ever-friendly bug in your ear, who reminds you of what is just around the corner. Take a look at the top of this blog...you don't have too many more "sleeps" before Christmas.
I know that for the "common man" the holidays start a week or so before Thanksgiving. But you, my dear, faithful reader, are HARDLY common. Well, I need to correct that. My hubby (when it comes to this subject) is PAINFULLY common. LOL. (He knows, so don't feel like you have to tread lightly around him.) HA!
No, for me, the holidays start with The Great State Fair of Texas! And The Great State Fair of Texas just happened to start this past Friday. WOOHOO! Though you are one to keep the holidays and other important events at the forefront of your mind, perhaps you did NOT know that we are officially in the holiday season.
OK. I sense that there is one, MAYBE two, of you who does not believe me. You are thinking, "I can start the holidays with Halloween, but September 28? Surely not!" Well, one of our American institution agrees with me. WALMART! In fact, if the holidays start for me, when it starts for them, well, I'll have to start my holidays about September 15th. If you think I am jesting, just go to the garden center where a NEW AISLE (added to the 3 already established) of these really pretty black and white ornaments, stockings and tree skirts just went on display.
My hubby does a good job of humoring me. I seldom see his eyes rolling, as he is quick to turn away. He listens to my excitement as I make my plans and discuss all my desires for the holidays. He will even go into Walmart or Gardenridge with me....granted, he'll only do it once or twice, but that's OK. What is important to remember is that he knows I'm a complete kid when it comes to the holidays...and he lets me be that kid! I LOVE THAT MAN!
He does wonder, I'm sure, why I am like this. Well, frankly, 30 days...even 60 days is simply not enough time for me to get the holidays out of my system. Thank goodness there are others who feel the same. The radio stations help...you know...all Christmas music, 24/7 starting after Halloween. WOOHOO!
My sons (well, my 3rd anyway) has watched "Polar Express" almost daily for the past 2 years. (no lie, there) AND, whenever we sing songs, "Rudolph" is always on the play list...for the past 3 years, now. So see? My hubby is almost outnumbered.
Please, dear friend, be mindful of the date. You don't want these holidays to sneak up on you and catch you by surprise. Thankfully, you ARE a faithful reader...and being so faithful, you will NOT be caught off guard. You know I'll be reminding you frequently.
Ahh ... this post brought a smile to my face. Glad to know I'm not the only one who absolutely LOVES the holiday season. Now if I can just find a husband as supportive as yours ... :)
Thank you...Thank you....so very much for keeping me on track! I love the holiday season, too. & I love the countdown timer!
I love this time of year. Even Spicy Girl is getting it. She keeps telling everyone, "It's October now!!" What that means to her, I'm not sure, but obviously she gets the whole "holiday" feeling. I told her yesterday that I loved October, November, December...and well January of course, but I love February too. Anyway, we both decided that August and September are not very fun. Hee-Hee. Feeling the pre-Christmas excitement with you, and just the love of the upcoming holidays.
How could we ever forget with LL around? ;)
ll- How did you get the additional header for your timer? I can't seem to figure it out. Of, course I want to put one on my blog, too.
I trie dadding it to the side, but it looked stupid all scrunched-up.
Never mind...duh. I figured it out! Thanks anyway!
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