I really hate to bring this up. I KNOW you guys know this, but I just want to keep it in the forefront of your mind.
By the time you read this, tomorrow will be today and "today" is the 25th. You know what that means, right?
You have just 10 months until you start thinking about taking down your Christmas tree.
You only have 7 months before you start seeing the Christmas decorations pop up on the shelves at WalMart.
You only have a few weeks after that before the Great State Fair of Texas opens...thus starting the holiday season.
I know, I know. And I'm sorry. You are feeling the holiday stress. I feel it, too. But together, we CAN make it through, relatively unscathed.
That being said, make your plans for spring cleaning so we can be ready for our holiday guests, K?
LL - Does Ly need to fly in for an intervention?? Obviously, you are hitting the bottle again. Just start by standing up in front of everyone and say, "Hi, my name is Loralei, and I am insane!" Maybe I will come and pick you up and we can go to a Hillary rally!!
And here I was all proud for you that the ticker was gone.
My ticker has never been gone...I just moved it. It is sitting on top of the Beatles. LOL!!
Yeah LL we could tell Les it was for an intervention for you but we'll step in and run her to a Young Republicans rally.
She just really wants Bill back in the White House. Maybe if he makes it back in, you and I can somehow swing and invitation for her to the Lincoln bedroom. LOL!
The Republicans are only for the rich and why do you two dislike the sexiest President we have ever had? That is a huge quality for a President. I am thrilled Hillary could win, but just as thrilled Bill will be there to. They are the complete package for the United States and a great family role model for the rest of the world to see. The world will know we are back on the right track. When you think about it, either way, we are on the right track. I think we will have peace with Iraq and the other arabic countries if Obama gets in because he is a closet muslim. Go Dems!!
Thanks for the reminder! UGH!!
OMG it's way too soon to be thinking about Christmas at least for me. LOL
How did a post on Christmas turn into a political discussion??? :)
Because LL and Ly are trying to find their inner Democrat. Don't worry, I am sending them Hillary bobble heads to inspire them.
Oh dear sweet Jesus- Hillbilly a "family role model" It looks like someone DID some actual inhaling here. Seriously Obama is the key to peace in the Middle east? The man has no respect ofr his own country - heaven help us. All those people fainitng at Obama rallies - my guess is they;ve seen his economic policy. Ronald reagan is turning in his grave
I still need to take my TREE down. It l;ooks so pretty in it's corner.
Who is Ronald Reagan?? Is he the one who tries to take credit for ending the cold war? The Democrats really should get credit for that. Let's just hope it is an Obama/Clinton ticket. I get chills just from the excitement of the possibility!
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