Saturday, August 30, 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
1.) I haven't even had a tea (yet)....and I don't have a headache (yet).
2.) Woke up this morning and I'm down 2 1/2 pounds. WOOHO!!!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
First off...today is the 27th. Yesterday was the 26th. (Heh...did you know that?)
Anyway, exactly ONE MONTH from yesterday is September 26....the Opening Day of The Great State Fair of Texas.

So what that means is this: the holidays start in just a few short weeks.
In preparations, my hubby and I took our 2 youngest cherubs....heh...who am I kidding? My hubby took ME to Garden Ridge to check out their Christmas stuff. Yes, it's up! WOOHOO!

I grinned, giggled and squealed and was delighted in the excitement in the eyes of my children. My 3rd ran from section to section, waving his arms around, yelling "LOOK AT THIS! LOOK AT THIS!"
I only had one small issue with one of the boys....my hubby. :(
He does get a bit frustrated with me....we had a few words of discussion (which is typical). He loves Christmas, don't get me wrong. But he loves it a bit cheaper and contained in the month of December. Every year we go through the same thing:
"Honey? Will you go look at Christmas stuff with me?"
"Do I have to?"
"NO, you don't have to, but I would like you to."
"OK, but please don't ask me again."
*sigh....and by the middle of the season (OK...by the end of September, I stop asking for his participation.)
Anyway, this day was a bit worse. Keep in mind, I have stopped drinking Dr Pepper. Perhaps I'm a bit "feistier" than normal....alright, there is a name for it, and it ain't "feisty." I was a bit cranky.
In the end, he promised me a bit of allowance (both monetary and approval) if I promised not to bother...I mean INVITE him on, what will surely be, my NUMEROUS holiday outings.
I love my humbug, I mean HUBBY.....he isn't a humbug really, but compared to me? Heh.....it's the yearly dance....The Christmas Can-Can!



BUT, I would like to nominate 3 that I don't believe I've ever nominated for an award.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
1 pound ground beef
Miracle Whip
Jalapeno Relish (or finely chopped, pickled jalapenos)
Hawaiian rolls
Brown the beef. Drain well.
With the beef, mix enough Miracle Whip to make a sandwich spread....but take care not to use TOO much....just until meat sticks together.)
Add jalapenos to taste.
Split rolls horizontally, into thirds.
Spread meat mixture on a slice and top with another (yielding 3 sandwiches for every 2 rolls)
That's it....couldn't be easier ;)
I have a mild headache, but have not taken any pain killers today. I have had a large, sweet tea from Chick-fil-A. (They need to know that I still love them :) )
Anyway, feel a bit shakey and anxious.....but this is a bit easier than I anticipated. I still REALLY want one, but I'm doing relatively OK.....KEEP PRAYING!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Today is Day 1 without my beloved friend. Alas, I didn't even consume all the Dublins...3 of them reside in my fridge. I might drink one a week...and even then, 8 ounces per week is a darn sight better than 3-4 gallons of the stuff.
I'm not really cranky, but I do have a headache. I also feel like I'm dragging a bit.
Such is life.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
My sweet man and I have a great marriage. In fact, looking at all the people we know...and I mean ALL of them, I would say that our relationship is better than theirs. There are many reasons for this, I'm sure.
One reason is that we have, from the very beginning, put God as the center of our marriage and our family. If you are a person who does NOT have God as the center of your marriage....well, please don't go around giving advice.
Another reason is the respect, not just love, that we have for each other. I recognize him as the head of our household. That does not mean that I have no say in what goes on. He will ask my feelings on matters...and I share with him honestly and openly. But, in the end, what he says, goes. Some of you may think this is archaic, but......whatever. I don't really care what you think. HA....which is another reason we are doing so well. ;)
Another big reason is this: I married my best friend. I'm not just being mushy. I know everyone says they married their best friend, but really? I mean...REALLY? So, if you INSIST that you married your best friend, let me ask you this.....was he/she your best friend when you married? Or did he/she become your best friend...like the hole-y undies you just can't seem to give up?
THAT is what I'm talking about. DH and I were best friends before we married, and it only go better from there. We have each other's best interests at heart (refer to the DP dilemma), and can share anything without fear of judgment. That is a very happy place to be.
Now....let's walk back in time.
One story from the past is this: when we were in about 2nd grade, I guess, DH and his friend were playing. The dad of the friend told these 2 boys, "You know? One of these days, one of you is going to marry ~LL~." They both laughed, and said the obligatory, "EWWWW!" (actually, DH distinctly remembers stating that I was weird. HA...serves him right.) The other boy? He is our dentist. :-D
OK...this first picture is of a first grade Easter egg hunt. It's really hard to see clearly. (If you click on the picture, you can see a bigger photo.) Do you see the little girl on the right? She is wearing the white sweater. That is me. Do you know who took the picture? My hubby's mother. Now....being in a small town, it is easy to list the names of the children on the picture. There were 2 names listed. The first is DH's sister (she is the 3 year old...she is with the small grouping of 3 girls to my right (your left)). My name is the 2nd name listed. Hmmmmm......
Fast forward about 4 years to my 10th birthday party. I had a big roller skating party. My mother even made me a snazzy new, pink, skating dress. Those are my classmates standing around me as I open presents. See the strapping young lad in the super-cool silver and black jacket? That is my DH. (Heh...every time he sees this picture he says, "I loved that jacket. That was a cool jacket." Ly, one of my readers, is in the striped shirt standing right in front of me. (Incidentally, I used to have crush on the kid with his finger in his mouth. So strong was my love for him, that his name was written on the bottom of my shoe. *sigh*)
This next picture is of the 2 of us at our Junior Prom. *sigh* Isn't he a handsome guy? Yes, they allowed mustaches in school.....and guns in our trucks and pocket and butterfly knives in our pockets. (By the way, I promised DH that you would not tease him about his Superman curl. You can't see it, but tucked neatly underneath his tuxedo is his red cape ! ;) )
Now THIS picture is from Homecoming of our Senior year: 1988. DH is in the pale yellow shirt and I'm standing right next to him. I was a twirler...explaining the outfit I'm wearing. He was NHS Beau, and I was Choir and Lions Club Sweetheart. (Les.....who are you lookin' at? ;) )
Finally, here we are getting hitched. AWWWWWWWW...... AWWWWWWWWWWWW............
And finally, a recent picture. Older, fluffier, definitely wiser, and more in love than ever.
Happy anniversary, my love. I pray we have many happy years ahead of us.
I love you!
Friday, August 22, 2008

LOVABLE......for now

Now I happily pass this on to a few other friends of mine. LOVE YOU!
Pass it on.

Thursday, August 21, 2008
My friend, Miss Paula, sent this too me.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008
What is really great about this is that you can start it before church and it will be ready when you get back. MOST people enjoy this.
Here is a history behind this:
WAY back in the day (DH and I had only been married a few months) we had gone back to our home town to visit family. My parents were out of town, but we stayed with his folks, visited my grandparents, and any friends that couldn't seem to find the ONE ROAD OUT OF TOWN (but I digress).
Anyway, we got into town on Friday evening. Visited. Woke up Saturday morning and discussed what time we would get up and get ready for church when my DMIL ("dear mother-in-law" for those who are challenged in the acronyms of message board land) announced for all to hear: myself, my hubby, my DMIL, DFIL, DH's grandfather and DH's sister that, "Guess what? We think ~LL~ will make Sunday lunch for the family."
I didn't cook then. I BARELY did Hamburger Helper....not because of a love of the product, but hunger is a very motivating thing. I was near tears. I hid in a room and called my mother. It was a desperate plea really, to give me an exit strategy.
What she did give me was this recipe. I served it with salad and rolls and the whole family was satisfied....and convinced the I would not kill DH...nor starve him.
Chicken and Rice Casserole
1 stick butter, melted
1 cup white rice
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can cream of celery soup
1 can water
6 chicken breasts
Melt stick of butter in a 9 x 13 casserole.
Meanwhile, in a bowl, mix together the rice, all the soups and water. Stir well so the lumps of rice and/or soup will be broken up.
Pour soup mixture over butter.
Lay chicken on top of rice. Season (if desired).
Cover with foil.
Bake at 250 for 4 hours OR 350 for 2 hours.

Sunday, August 17, 2008
13 thoughts in 13 minutes
It is my understanding that you just type out 13 random thoughts...one per minute. As I am convinced that I have adult ADD, it should not be hard. So here goes:
1. OK, this is the first minute....hmmmm....I wonder if I need to figure out when to stop. Nope, I'll just keep up with the numbers...you know? 13 ideas in 13 minutes? Let's see. 12 left. This is kind of a neat idea.....tag to any who want to do this.
2. Well, here I am, enjoying my quiet time. DS #4 is asleep (which makes for difficulties tonight, but I'm IN THE MOMENT.) My hubby has the other 3 at the movies, The Clone Wars. LOL! They are having a blast, I am sure. It is one last thing before school starts...TOMORROW!
3. Which leads us to school. I can't believe it. Summer is already over. My oldest is in 4th. He is nervous. He seems on the shy side and is nervous because there is one kid in there who has bullied him a bit in the past. I know boys will be boys, but this is MY boy we're talking about. Time for boxing lessons :D
4. So far, this doesn't seem too terribly hard....but I'm not even halfway done yet. My hubby made a brisket last night. We just bought a smoker. It was YUMMY! I might go grab a piece in just a minute.....actually, in about 9 minutes *grin*
5. Hmmm....that minute went a bit faster. So, I will have my younger 2 kids home with me. My 3rd could go to kinder this year, but we decided to keep him home one year. With his ear and maturity level and all....well, it's just the best thing to do. I intend to work with him on various skills.
6. Wow....did you know that the draft auto save goes every minute? I just saw that. I was watching my clock and saw a familiar "blip." How handy is that? I can see that a lot easier than I can see the clock that is a whole few inches away from my view.....but wait....did I just hear a car door? I might not get to finish.
7. Darn...the auto save does NOT go every minute. I'm at 4:59, but the auto save is at 4:58. I'm going to have to yell at the kids.....the auto save just went off again......
8. Now everyone is asking what I'm doing. I tried to explain....well, just said, "I'll explain in a minute" (actually about 5 away) that I would tell them why I can't talk...then DH comes in and says, "What are you doing? Folding laundry?" Yeah, smarty.....it's obvious, ain't it? DUH!
9. I have some Christmas stuff to do. I don't know if I put the site on my blog, but you can go to OrganizedChristmas.com.....it is totally cool...for someone like me. I know that most won't look at it and those who do will laugh at me.....oh well......4 more things.
10. My efforts are bout to be thwarted by my family. ARGH!!! My 2nd son is sitting next to me...he just kicked his shoes off....OH MY GOSH!!! It stinks! BAD and DS #4 just came in here naked...totally. naked.
11. Can I do it? Hey...have y'all been watching the Olympics? Totally fun. Only one week to go. I enjoy almost everything on there...though I had to put in a Harry Potter movie because of withdrawal.......
12. Only 2 more.....only 2 more. So anyway, next week is my anniversary. I hope to do a big blog about that...I need to scan some pictures, but I'm challenged...short bus challenged in all things technical. Hopefully you'll see some pics to go with my words.
13. I am now on minute 13.....woohoo...go me....at what cost? One kid in the back playing a game. Stinky feet beside me. Naked butt on the arm of the couch and number 3 dozing on the end of the couch.
Have a good Sunday.
Friday, August 15, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

As far as recipes...I have been asked, quite a bit, if these are "my" recipes. I guess mine versus Betty Crocker. ;) I'm flattered by the question as they seem to be enjoyed.
The basic recipe is not mine (for the most part.) I will get a recipe, but then I make changes. So in that respect, it's mine, but I didn't create the recipe idea, does that make sense? Some are recipes that I have and don't know from where. Some are MINE....meaning nobody told me what to do, I just did stuff until I liked it.
The Charro Beans are MINE. Granted, you can probably find the same, or very nearly same, recipe. But, I didn't get it from someone....I just did it.
This following recipe is mine. There are many out there, I'm sure, that are similar. But this is one that I pulled out of my own noggin. HOPE YOU ENJOY!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
WAAAAAAY back before we had kids my hubby and I (along with our 2 weenie dogs...Leonard Percival and Sparky Dog) were driving from our home in New Mexico, to our hometown in Texas. We were on our way to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of my grandparents. A huge event was planned. It was late and we were at the end of a very long trip. Those from the area I'm talking about know how there is NOTHING out there....well, there was something, but not anymore.
As I said, it was very late...very dark. The stars were out, but as I remember, there was no moon. We were in a Pontiac Sunbird. We were driving the back roads, allowing us to go a bit faster and not worry about traffic. We were likely listening to a favorite radio station and talking about something inspirational when all of the sudden
WHAM!!! OK...it was a lot louder than that, but of course, I can't relay that over the blog.
Anyway, with the "wham" came a sudden jolt. Hubby, being a great driver with a cool head, managed to keep the POJ Mobile (pronounced "POZSH" mobile...p.o.j....piece of junk....get it?) Anyway...he managed to keep the POJ mobile on the road with minimal swerving. He brought the car to a stop.
I was in hysterics as whatever happened scared THE CRAP out of me! Crying, I asked DH what had happened. He replied, "We hit something. I didn't even see it!" He was apparently shaken. We honestly didn't know what had been hit. DH thought about turning around to investigate, but I was too scared and begged him not to. In that neck of the woods, it's not uncommon to hit a coyote, but you don't want to go up on an injured animal. And, since we didn't have a pistol with us, we didn't want to chance it. On the off chance that it was a person......well, I don't even want to go there.
SO...at my insistence, my hubby continued our drive home. We had 40 miles or so to go. No cell phones. No traffic. No call boxes. No houses. We were out in the oil field where there is NOTHING...only pumpjacks, stars, 2 people, 2 dogs and the POJ Mobile.
A POJ Mobile that is suddenly not running well. It was pulling horribly to the right. (That is what happens when you hit something hard enough, huh?) AND, in the faintest of starlight, we could see that the front of the POJ was messed up badly. So badly, in fact, that my hubby practiced all of his colorful words. So badly that the POJ was named the POJ after this happened...'cause it was all downhill from there.
Instead of tootling along at a comfy 80-90 mph, as we had been doing, we were now forced to slow to a creeping 40-45 mph, constantly fighting the right pull, seeing the jacked up front of the car and coping with the hysterics of the only female in the car.
We FINALLY got home. I immediately found my dad. (I'm not ashamed...I'm a Daddy's girl.) I found my dad and just collapsed against him and cried, "DADDEEEEEEEEE....we hit something. My car is messed up."
SO...all the men who were standing around began to engage in the sordid events of the last hour and a half. While the men questioned my hubby and congratulated him on a job well done, I leashed my babies (my dogs) and let them start sniffing for a place to release their pent-up anxiety.
Leonard ran one way and Sparky went for the car. I mean, what dog wouldn't? There had to be some evidence...some clue as to what we had destroyed out there on the lone desert highway. My small, red, mini-dachshund ran under the car. I could feel the leash jump with each snort and sniff of his small muzzle. Next thing...well....I really have to be there to tell you...but Sparky grunted. Like a grunt when someone sneaks up behind you and gooses you in the side...hard. It was kind of an "UH!" But longer and louder....followed by Sparky darting back out from under the car. Something had scared that little dog.
The men went to investigate immediately. They opened the door. Between the light of the car and the street light, I heard, "WHAT IS THAT?"
There was a lot of mumbling and murmuring.
The car was jacked up. The underside was looked at. There was a hide....stretching from the front axle to the rear tire. There was a leg caught in the axle. There was a head.....THERE WAS A HEAD...with tusks. And coarse, long hair. Do you know what it was? It was a wild boar. A boar that stood tall enough to barely be seen over the top of the hood. A boar that weighed a good 300-400 pounds. A boar that, for all intents and purposes, should have caused us to flip. A boar that, had we seen it in the daylight, we would have.
My first question was, "Is it dead?"
OK...I readily admit that I'm blond, but I totally blame my hysterics for my muddled thinking.
My dad informed me that yes, after having drug the animal for over 40 miles, he was, INDEED, dead.
One of the funniest things though (as if the whole story doesn't tickle you a bit) was that when I finally went to sit down...mascara all smudged, still hiccuping from my tears...I sat at my grandmother's table...along with 2 of my aunts and one of my great-aunts...a very OLD lady.
She was a bit deaf.
Right slap in the middle of my story, she looks at my grandmother and yells, "What's wrong with her? Why is SHE crying?"
My grandmother yelled back, "She ran over an animal."
"PIGS? We haven't had pigs for years."
There ya go.....really.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Sunday, August 03, 2008