Hey, everyone. It's that time of week! It's time for Making a Happy Home Monday.
This is a blog carnival that I host....a blog in which I hope to encourage and inspire people to take on a project. Many areas of our homes need attention. Many areas of our home are neglected. They might not be areas that are seen, but still, the shape they are in affects how we feel. (Or at least it does in my case.)
For example, nobody really sees my son's closet. It is an easy "overlook." BUT, when I got it cleared out and straightened, I felt so much better.
So, please join me! Just sign up down below on Mr. Linky. Tell us some of the things you are working on. Do you have before and after pictures? I would love to see them!
No matter what you do, make your home a happy home!
My entry for this Monday is not really a "project" or item around the house that needed to be cleaned....though the subject does need cleaning often. :) No, the subject of my Making a Happy Home Monday is spending some quality time with one of my children.
That's not to say that I don't spend quality time with ALL my children, it's just that this was a bit easier to document with pictures.
My kids LOVE to help in the kitchen. They love to cook (guess they got that from me). It is sometimes hard for me to let go long enough to let them help. I get in a hurry and, quite frankly, would rather have everyone out of my way and get my stuff done. I'm a messy cook, but my mess cannot compare to the mess my boys leave. LOL!
That is something that God has been working on me about. There are several facets of this work in progress...which is me...that have been touched on in this. One is that I NEED to spend the time with the kids. It doesn't have to be outside, with a toy or a board game...it can be in doing my normal day-to-day stuff and having them help out. Another thing is that I need to learn to let go. I know I can cook....my hubby knows I can cook...I shouldn't worry about every single meal looking magazine-cover pretty. I can't worry about a little flour being spilled onto the floor.
SO, without further ado, here is my 2nd son working on pizza pockets. (I'll post the recipe on Tuesday.) I was throwing together a recipe when he happened to come in and, as usual, asked if he could help. My first inclination? (I thought this, but didn't say it out loud) No...let me just get this going. Y'all have been outside, everyone needs baths, I can get 2 of you bathed by the time these are done, we'll eat then settle down for the night.
After about 5 seconds, my response was, "Sure."
I'm so glad I did. How many times have I missed (or almost missed) a truly pleasant time with my children because of my lack of patience or perfectionist attitude. I pray that I remember every time I am asked by one of my kids, "Can I help?"
I don't see a picture?
Ohhhh.. this is good! I so need to remember this!! Thanks for sharing and encouraging me :)
I know. This is so hard for me sometimes. S.G. wants to help in the kitchen all the time, and it's just hard to make a way for her sometimes. I do make an effort to let her help sometimes though...or I make a special item...like dessert, for us to make together. We made rice krispy treats the other day, and she did almost all of it herself.
That is so important. Spending time with kids is often put on the back burner. Thanks for sharing!
FUN! Works for Tuesday too!
This is a great post. Thanks for reminding us that time with children is a VERY important part to making a happy home. Good job. I finally did some work around the house that I thought was worthy of the blog carnival, today. Woohoo!
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