Pretty cool, as I've never gotten a blog award. As she said, it is pretty neat that from my little piece of earth, I can "reach out" and connect to her little piece of earth. Thanks, Claudia!
Not being one to hog the award for myself. (like I could do that anyway) I gave a bit of thought to whom I should pass this on. All of the blogs I read I consider the authors to be friends, either IRL or cyber. However, one stands out and deserves this from me, probably more than the others.
This person has been my friend for most of my life. We met in 3rd grade, but starting in 4th grade, we were in the same class. We have some fun memories (some of which I might blog on someday). Fun stuff that makes me smile to think back. I was always rather shy, but I bonded with her in a big way. She was and ever will be, my friend. THANKS GIRL.
SO...who is this? You can find her at: With a Touch of Glitter. Pop on over and give her a wave!
Yay LL, I was just on my way here to tell you to go to my blog to get it LOL! I didn't have the time earlier.
You're very welcome!
Ahhhh shucks! I was away all weekend and I came back to find this! So sweet.... I'm sooooo excited! Thanks,
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