Wednesday, January 01, 2014

2014 PART 2 the blog I just finished talked about my difficulties in successfully completing my projects. I don't feel badly.....necessarily. Perhaps if I did a "20/20 Blog" where I looked at all I DID do....

Maybe next year. 

SO, this year, I wanted to get the family involved in the projects we intend to take on. I told them all to consider physical, spiritual, family, and individual. I also just asked for 3 goals from each of my boys. 

I will let you know what they are.

First, I will say that all the boys said they want to read through the New Testament this year. So, I printed up a reading schedule. I also will get you-version app on their iPods so they can listen to it. As reading through the Bible is one of my goals, I will read the NT portion of my reading, with my youngest. I know that it could be a bit overwhelming for an 8 year old. we go. (For the record, the littles followed the bigs in their goals...which is OK.)

DS 1: Save up more money, be nicer to the brothers, read through the NT.

DS 2: Save up more money, act nicer toward the family, read through the NT.

DS 3:  Save $120, act nicer to his brothers, read through the NT, get his 20, 30 and Master Seals in JBQ, and something that is written in code :-) 

DS 4: Be nicer to family, save some money, read through the NT, get a JBQ seal, and focus on what he is doing

Let me break here for just a second. First off....those who know my #4, know the value of this statement: "focus on what he is doing." I did not give him this idea. At first, I thought it was just a cute little 8 year old thing. But, kind of hit me how astounding that statement is. How many times do you just get through stuff? I, myself, have often said (especially in the last 4 months) that I am *just surviving.*


That is not my job! I am to focus on what I am doing, and more importantly, who I am with at the time. 

So, now? That is one of my goals, too! 

Some of my goals are: Read through the Bible, exercise regularly, limit sodas to only when eating out, schedule my housekeeping duties, read more.....those were the ones I wrote down. But, let me take a few moments to add more. 

  • call my grandmother regularly
  • more walks with my kids
  • 1-on-1 dates with my boys (even the hubby) quarterly
  • make *some* Christmas cards
  • clean out my corner of the garage and donate, toss, or use my teaching stuff
  • start riding my bike with my boys
  • wake up to a clean kitchen.....daily
  • limit eating out to 14% of the time.....that's 3 out of 21 meals (yes....I did the calculation, LOL!)
  • schedule my boys to be more active in helping around the house....not just their rooms
  • blog more.....maybe once a month? Surely, once a month!
  • earn my 101 Club in JBQ
  • reprint the boys' chore/responsibility charts
  • RELAX!!!
When I say "relax," I don't mean to rest and not do anything. I mean, to just chill.....not be so uptight. If I learn to relax, it will help me to meet another goal to focus on what I am doing. I am usually wound tighter than an 8-day clock. Because of that, I might be on step 5, but focused on 9 and 10. Not. Good.

That seems like a lot now...especially with teaching. 

Speaking of teaching....I am finally at a peaceful place. So much has to do with getting my body clock adjusted to falling asleep earlier and waking earlier than normal. And, of course, it depends on hubby's schedule and my cycle. (TMI, I know....but it is life changing to know that how you handle things depends on the time of month. LOL) 

Well....thanks for reading. I hope I see you again least by February. :-)


If you have read here at all, you have probably noted my feelings on resolutions.....I don't like them. They have negative connotations. However, considering this season of life, I do need to make new goals. I did talk to my kids about it, too. We have made goals for various facets of our lives: spiritual, physical, personal, and goals in dealing with our relationships. Some of the goals, I have FOR my kids.

The reason this is going to be so hard is because of my 2nd job. Holding down 2 full-time jobs is very hard. Holding down 2 full-time jobs while your hubs is out 18 day a month is pert-near impossible....but ONLY *pert-near.* It is NOT impossible. :-)

That being said, let us review last year's list. The copied and pasted list is in yellow. My notes on how I did is in another color. :-) If I remember, I will highlight what I actually accomplished. 


I will send a gift (of my choosing) to a friend, once a month. (Not the same friend....different friends.) 

*I started this. But, sadly stopped. The reason is stupid, really. But out of the 4 or 5 that I sent, only 2....TWO let me know they received it or said, "Thank you." I wasn't looking for kudos. However, I would like to know that it made it to its destination.

I will call my grandmother once a month. (Don't judge.)

*Not quite :-(

I will clean out my FTU at least every other week. (We're talking vacuuming, wiping down, emptying the buffet line in the back.....again....don't judge.)

*I actually did pretty well at this. And, then? I GOT A TRUCK! Thanks, Honey!

WE (dragging in DH) will get the garage cleaned out. (That, right there, could be my entire list....and I would feel accomplished by doing it.)

*My hubby did a great job!

I will donate my teacher stuff to some teacher friends. (I can't begin to tell you the number of brand new wooden pencils I just came across.....not to mention, the books! And colored paper. And chalk....well....who uses chalk anymore, but get the idea.)

*OK....this is a tough one. I did donate.... A LOT! There was a student-teacher who needed some stuff for her first classroom. So, she got about 2-3 boxes of books. THEN, I went back to the classroom. Thinking I could use a lot of my things. Well, when my youngest child saw the chalk, he asked if I let my former students go draw on the sidewalk.....(insert eye roll here)...."No, son. We actually used chalkboards, back in the day." 

I still have a lot to go through. There is a lot to throw away, whether it be completely out-dated, or nasty (from sitting out in the garage for eight....YES EIGHT....years!

I will start going on will take the kids on a walk a few times, over the next year.

I will take each son on a 1-on-1 date, quarterly.

*Sadly, no. 

I will go to the dentist.....well...I will at least take my kids.

*um....nope.....and I don't feel guilty

I will have my family on a gluten-free lifestyle

*I do not know about this enough to support, OR to call BS. So, I just leave it to whomever feels the need. I am reading in support of wheat and in support of no wheat. I know some people can't handle it....I also know that my family has no issues with it. That being said, I trust that God will let me know if, and when, I need to make this change. 

I will have my family mostly organic.

* No excuses. I do what I can, when I can. I am not 100% organic, but I do try to get a few key things organic.

I will paint my soon as DH has recovered from his surgery....because....I. Don't paint. 

*maybe this year

I will make my Christmas cards....much to my DH's chagrin. 

*This is a point of sadness for me. I did NOT get my cards going. I took on another full-time job. Alas, I have not had opportunity to make my cards. :-( I HOPE to next year....perhaps if I week?

I will complete the Christmas crafts that I bought stuff for....last, 2011. 

*I'm putting this as a success! I did make a craft! It might be the last one. It was cute. I enjoyed it. But, being that I didn't get so many other things done....well, I would rather work on my cards, than crafts.

I will host a full luncheon, at the school, for 2nd grade teachers, 3rd grade teachers, and 6th grade teachers. 

I will help my hubby take the boys camping.....(I will make sure the first aid kit is well-stocked and that they have a new can of mosquito repellant.) 


I will conquer the closet(s).

All of them. 

* part is highlighted because I only got part done. Hubby and I are working on our closet, AGAIN. I have worked on the other closets, but they are always in a state of process.


I will re-task the night stand (that is ugly), and relocate it (to the garage, or fireplace) and move the other, PRETTY night stand out from under the printer and put it by it's proper station. 


I will learn to crochet. 


I will do, at least 3 loads of laundry, every 2 days.....perpetually. *sigh*

*tricky....because I am always doing laundry....I don't know how many or how often....but it, too, is always in process. Some days, just see piles sitting around. Some days see a marathon folding/hanging/putting away session. 

I will blog at least once, hopefully twice, a week. 


I will read with my children, The Chronicles of Narnia. (I just love that series.)

*Well, we made it through the first book. I read it to my kids. My older 2, decided I read too slowly, so they finished the series. Then, my 3rd decided to read through the series on his own. THEN, I went to IS being read, just not by me.

I will earn my Master Seal in JBQ.


I will earn my 101 Award in JBQ.

*hopefully this year

I will try at least 1 new recipe a week.

*I didn't do this once a week. I HAVE tried several new recipes. I love to read cookbooks and magazines. I read them and get ideas of what to throw of.

I (we) will eat out less.

*Here is a problem. I think we started eating out less. THEN, I went back into the classroom. Anyone who teaches, or who is married to a teacher, knows that it is more than 40 hours per week. SO....I have a *beyond full-time job* with a *gone a whole lot* hubby and 4 kids who all have home homework, and lessons, and stuff, and I have lessons, and plans, and grading, and stuff.....yeah.....we eat out 3-5 times per week. :-(

I will *sniff* try to cut back on CFAST.

*see above*


I will reprint the boys' chore charts.

*I did, but I need to do it again to adjust for their ages that they NEED to be treated, and my work.

I will sort through ALL the boys' clothes, and get some things sorted, tossed, or donated. 

I will have a garden.

*We went to Montana for a month. So, didn't happen. It won't happen this year, either, as we are going to Florida for a month.

I will certify my 2 oldest boys in first aid and CPR. 


(Maybe there is more....) reading list (I hope)

*I don't even want to get into the embarrassment I feel on this. I usually read about 30-40 books a year. This past year....MAYBE five. I really don't know. I know that the books I read were not on this list. I will * the ones I either started, and or finished (in 2013).

The Bible (always) **
Wheat Belly **
The Chronicles of Narnia (again) **
The Other Queen
The Red Queen
The White Queen 
The Constant Princess
The Queen's Fool
The Other Queen
Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths
The Hobbit (again) **
The Annals of the World **
To Kill a Mockingbird (again) **
Little Women (again) **
Pride and Prejudice (again)
Decision Points **
Nicholas Nickleby
Bleak House
Anna Karenina

and, that is all.....for now.

SO.....Here's the deal. I will post another blog to talk about my goals for this year. I will probably do it list style and just talk about things I want to accomplish. It might be a one-time thing. It might be ongoing. We shall see....

Please come back.