I hope you will join me for Making a Happy Home Monday. It is a blog carnival that I host in which I want to encourage and inspire others to take an area of their homes and improve it. You can take any area, big or small, and make it happier. You do this by cleaning it, organizing it, or simply making it prettier. Either way, when you do this, it makes you happier.....thus making your home happier.
If you decide to join me, please sign up on Mr. Linky down below. I would love to see what you are doing around the place. If you can, share some pictures to go along with your project. Hope to see you soon.
For this entry, I decided to share something that I had to do last night that really helped us out.
This past weekend, my husband and I took our older 2 children to a Junior Bible Quiz tournament. Well, wouldn't you know?,The day before we leave, my oldest begins to complain about his ear hurting. I gave him some Tylenol and he seemed to do better. The next morning, he was still hurting. I talked to the school nurse and it was determined that he had swimmer's ear.
On the way to the meet, I treated #1 with alcohol.....heh....RUBBING ALCOHOL IN THE EAR to evaporate any trapped water, then drops for pain. We put cotton in the ear. He did well until that night. He cried quite a bit, due to the pain. What a horrible feeling to be away from home, away from your doctor, on a weekend, when your child is in pain.
SO, I treated him with more meds and had him lay on a warm wash cloth....anything to soothe him and help him fall asleep.
The next morning, he did a GREAT JOB! (more on that soon) On the way home, the exhaustion and cold wind only served to cause more pain. BUT, I was reminded of something by a friend. I tried it and it worked wonderfully.
I can't believe I had forgotten such a thing. And seriously....everybody should have the makings for such an easy, but effective thing.
I put rice in a spouted cup and poured it into one of my sons' sock...then I tied it. I didn't fill it too full, as I wanted it soft enough to form around the ear a bit. I microwaved it for about 30-40 seconds. I placed it on my son's ear. It was so comforting. Between that and the meds, he awoke with a smile and happily told us that he was no longer hurting. And THAT makes for a happy home!
Please join me and share something good that is going on in your home.
Great tip. I've never heard of this because no one in my family's ever had this problem. It could be very useful in the future though!
We have had one of the big ones from Target since I was pregnant the first time. We're on our second one because apparently they taste great too - to dogs!
Great idea! I used one of these (A tube sock) when I was in labor for my back..... thanks for reminding me!
lol! We have a stash of those and just recently one of my younger boys was slinging it around the house yelling "Mom! Someone messed up Dad's socks!" : )
Warm potato (also in a sock) against the ear works really well too!
great and easy idea
That's an oldie but goodie! You're right, I forgot about it too! Thanks for the tip!
What a great idea! My lil one has ear infections frequently - I will use this next time!
I will have to keep this in my because Em seems to have earaches quite a bit.
Im definitely going to use that! Great idea!
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