Saturday, March 09, 2013


I get tired of starting my blogs the same way. I have been *meaning* to write for weeks....WEEKS! But, things keep getting into the way.

Nothing bad, mind you. Just the busyness of life.

SO....instead of waxing eloquent on the seriousness of life, let me just tell you some of what is going on.....not really a bullet blog (I just did that), but more of a patchwork, to copy the term from the whack-a-doodle over yonder.

Wow....January 23 was my last blog. So much for my "once to twice-a-week" blogging. LOL! 

I have been subbing. I have also been teaching CPR. Not too terribly much, in either case, but enough for a little extra.

My project wish list has been slow going. My reading has just been cruddy. I haven't had, or taken, the time to do as much as I usually like to do. I am still in the middle of the same 5 or 6 books, without being much closer to finishing them. *sigh* Disappointing, but there are worse things.

We HAVE started Spring Cleaning. I have a list (only about 3-4 pages) of stuff to do. I'm a list maker. Most of what is on the list does not need to be written down. For some reason, it makes me feel like I have accomplished something big when I get to put a line across a "to-do" item. 

One of the last big things was going through the linens. Too. Many. Sheets! And, comforters. And, pillow cases. And, afghans. And, blankets.

We were able to donate a garbage bag (lawn and garden sized) full of sheets, an electric blanket and comforters. (Yes.....more than one comforter.) That area looks a lot nicer. During that time, I was able to finag... ask DH to vacuum out the hot-water heater closet......because I was *skeered.*

We started to clean out the garage last week. We thought it would be a 3-day job. Well, realistically, I think it is 2 weeks. That is no lie. I started going through my teaching *corner.* I didn't even get 1/3 the way through....I don't know how much I threw away, but I donated 5 boxes of kids books, a box of math manipulatives, compasses and protractors, and a trash bag full of posters. It was hard going through, and parting with it, but it feels good, too. 

We are on our Spring Break right now. The hub is out with the older 2 shooting guns. The youngers are playing games. Being the first official day of our break, I am letting them play for however long they want. It's kind of nice for me, too, as I am piddling real tasks to accomplish. (Though, I have gotten quite a bit of work done.)

My 2nd son has been doing great in JBQ. He has (in the last few weeks) earned his Master Quoter Award and Almost Impossible Award. There is only 1 more award for him to earn, but now, we have to focus on, no more practicing for the award until AFTER we are done.

Hubby still isn't released to work. *sigh* I love having him home. But, now it is a money issue. Having your pay cut by 40% is tough. However, we are OK....just minor adjustments here and there.

My Christmas tree is case you were wondering. It came down the beginning of February. I am, though, STILL listening to Christmas music and checking my daily countdown....daily. ;-)  I haven't been as involved in the Rudolph Club as I want, but I usually start up right about now. I anticipate that this week, I will be looking into it. 

Our Birthday Bash was fabulous. We ate Mexican food, then rented a limo to take us to a comedy club. Tons of fun!

This week, the boys and hub are building garden boxes for me. We are having dirt hauled in. Hopefully, I will plant soon. It just depends on the weather. Is it warm enough? I might need to wait a week or two.....I don't know. Maybe I should talk to the farmers. (DH's grandparents.) 

Well, I should go. There are a few things I want to get accomplished today. The house is relatively clean, which is nice. We had company for dinner last I'm riding that wave of "it got cleaned yesterday, try not to mess it up too soon." LOL!

I hope y'all still read. Leave me a comment. Let me know you're here.

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