Hello, y'all. It is time for another "Making a Happy Home Monday." This is a blog carnival that I started a few months back, in most part to keep me accountable to my own job.
By posting pictures and doing this every week, I hope to encourage and inspire others to do the same....or something similar. You see, if your home is in chaos (or C.H.A.O.S.), then I just don't see how you can be happy. I know I can't. BUT, it is hard to make myself do stuff sometimes. So, I have decided to focus on one thing at a time. I might only do 1 thing per week...I might do 1 thing per day, but the point is, I'm doing SOMETHING. I try to make certain areas prettier, neater, or more functional.
That being said, I would love for you to join me in this. Post some before and after pictures if you can. Describe things you are doing. Give me some ideas of areas I have forgotten about. Just sign up on Mr. Linky. Then, in your own blog, please refer back to here.
For this week, I chose to continue the last MHHM I did.....bathroom cabinets. Only this time, they are mine.
This is really embarrassing....
There are several new razors in there (that you can't see.) Floss and flossers, vitamins, meds, curling irons, hair dryer, lotions, nail stuff....all sorts of crap that I NEED, but need better access to. SO, after about 20 minutes, here you go:
I love clean cabinets! They really do look good.
Thanks for the carnival. I am doing something similar at my blog. I am holding myself more accountable for things I want to get done by posting it on my blog and encouraging others to do the same. I'm not always courageous enough to share pictures, though! ;)
They look great! I'm back to cleaning out closets. It's about tha time.
I've missed ya. Coming to bunko in a few weeks?
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