Why do I keep doing this?
I'm talking about the Making a Happy Home Monday. I get a lot of hits on my blog...so somebody likes it. Thanks!
But on the Making a Happy Home Monday, I do get discouraged because nobody seems to enjoy it.
I take that back. I do know why I continue. I have been told by a certain friend that she will read and sometimes, it is an encouragement in the middle of life with her 4 kids*. I was happy to be able to share a hug with her. SO, for this one friend....I continue. What she told me is the exact reason I'm doing this. That being said....I will put up Mr. Linky for awhile longer. Link up if you want. Either way, I hope you enjoy.
*I have many friends with 4 kids. I'm not TALKING about you...I'm talking about HER!
SO here we go for Making a Happy Home Monday.
What is it? It is a blog carnival...well, barely that, it is almost a monologue, in which I attempt to inspire and encourage women to take on a task, big or small, to improve an area of their homes.
When there is something that is dirty or messy, ugly, or just not functional, it is very hard to be happy. Often times, I might not even like the results...however, just attempting to make it better is a big lift to me.
For this installment, I'm going to focus on my dining room. We (remember, "we" in my house really means my Hunka Burnin' Love).....so, WE hung curtains.
I know that doesn't seem like a big thing, but for me, it is. Back in the first half of our marriage, we moved a LOT (something I plan to blog about someday). It seemed like right when I would get something set just right, we would move....I finally gave up. I stopped hanging things like pictures and curtains.
Now don't misunderstand. I haven't been in this house for 5 1/2 years without curtains in my dining room. But, when we peeled wallpaper and painted in there, we got rid of the curtains.....I have been without since November. We finally found exactly what we like and hubby put them up for me.
They match PERFECTLY!!!
What do you think?
Your curtains are BEAUTIFUL!!! I've been talking up your carnival on my blog, I just haven't gotten a chance to post to it yet. I think it is a GREAT idea!!!
thanks for the encouragement, Denise. I really appreciate it....:)
I have the same feeling about my Monday meme, which is similar to yours. I don't link to yours only because I am doing something similar! I also have noticed that there are a lot of similar things going on like this for Monday. Maybe we should all join forces somehow :) I'm up for it!
Your curtains are beautiful! And be encouraged, even if you only help one person, you are doing well as a good and faihtful servant!
Looks great! We'll see if we can't wrangle up some more participation out this way. I had a couple of friends do it a few times, but they never linked up-we'll remedy that! : )
Ok, so I don't participate because...well...my house is still all packed and in a storage unit. But, I enjoy reading your posts. I also told a new friend about your blog. She loves reading "home" blogs. So, don't give it up :). Love your new curtains. And I know what you mean. I never hung curtains in our last house because I knew it was temporary and I didn't want to waste the time. I had to leave all my curtains in my house before that which really ticked me off.
I love those curtains. It amazes me how hard it can be to find the "right" curtain set for the room, and how the curtains can drastically change the appearance/mood of the room.
I did sign up on the carnival, but I'm not quite sure what to do next?
I know I know that I'm not THE friend with 4 kids that you're talking about, but I love MHHM! I look forward to it. It truly encourages me to do something different and I think it helps us share tips and strength to each other! You can't stop doing it now... I have projects lined up for the next 5 weeks...
I love the curtains. That's one project I've been meaning to get around to at my house.
Just so you know, I enjoy coming by each week to post my link and see all the other participant's posts.
Oh, LL PLEASE DON'T GiVE IT UP!! I so enjoy reading every monday what you've done. It encourages me! keep it up- love you!
I hope you don't give up your meme! I am sometimes unsure whether I should participate since my post is usually about food, but I link up when I can. Cooking and food are part of being in the home. I hope you think the same thing. :)
Many of us really enjoy what you do, so I hope you are encouraged (even if there aren't tons of people stopping by to link up).
I have been aeay from Blogworld due to family illness - I wanted to tell you to PLEASE keep it up. I do read these - and it has encouraged me to make my home happier - one thing I have done is to make my bed EVERY morning for the last two weeks -it does make a difference! Hubby even commented on it the other night - how it was nice to crawl into a made up bed! Sometimes in the rush of getting out the door in the morning our room gets neglected - so I made an effort to focus on the bed and the nightstands - it has worked and it is making my room - happier!
Amy Q
Thanks, Alice. LOVE YA!
Amy Q.....that is such an inspiration for other areas of my house. And you are right....something about the beds being made...it kind of starts your day off on the right foot, you know? Forget shining your sink...MAKE YOUR BED!!!
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