OK...This friend? Lisa? You know her. She does the whole "Tempt My Tummy Tuesday" blog carnival.
I love to post things on there and then to follow up with others and see some of their yummies.
For today's entry, I'm doing Fire and Ice Pickles.
They are SO easy.....and I get a lot of compliments on them.
1 jar of sliced jalapenos
Yep....that's it!
EMPTY all juice from jalapenos.
Cover with sugar.
Let jar sit on counter for a few hours until sugar is dissolved. I turn the jar ever so often. (Sugar is like salt....it will draw out the moisture. So, even though you have drained the juice, a syrup will develop.) You can also reserve the syrup and pour over the next jar of pickles. I promise...they won't last long.
Juice is drained. This is probably about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of sugar.
Girl! I can't begin to tell you what that would do to my insides!
Did you get the album?
Oh yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I will make these. I know hubby will like it!
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