Monday, March 01, 2010

THE Dessert

I have these cyber-friends, Lisa and Lana. They co-host a blog carnival called "Tempt My Tummy Tuesday." It is a LOT of fun. A bunch of folk get together and share recipes and ask questions. I hope you will pop on over and join in on the fun.

Yes.... it is called THE Dessert.

It didn't start as THE Dessert. It started as a Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake.

Until I made it.

Until my friends ate it.

Until people began to ask for it.

Until I made it 3 times in 3 days.


By the 2nd serving, this kind of became a signature dessert. For that reason, there are a few things that I have done to make this "mine" that I will not share. But, this is the original recipe that I started with.

It is time-consuming. I will lay that out for you right now. BUT, it is worth it. Take your favorite, chocolaty, velvety, luscious dessert and increase it..... that is this dessert... THE Dessert. It takes, from start until ready to serve, about 5-6 hours. But, you aren't standing and waiting and working the whole time. You can leave it in stages and let it cool, or set, or bake, or whatever.

What are the layers? On the bottom: flourless chocolate cake. The middle layer is a chocolate mousse. The top layer? WHITE CHOCOLATE MOUSSE! OH MY GOSH!!!!

Here it is.... let me know when you try it!

THE Dessert

*Be sure to read through this FIRST. You don't want to be caught off guard by an ingredient or procedure.

1st layer:

7 oz. bittersweet chocolate
6 tbsp. unsalted butter
4 eggs, separated
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup light brown sugar

Butter the bottom and sides of a springform pan.
In double boiler, melt chocolate, and butter till smooth.
Let cool for about 5 minutes.
Add egg yolks and vanilla to chocolate mixture.

In a mixer, beat egg whites and a pinch of salt till frothy. Add the brown sugar (in 2 batches) to egg whites, stir between. After 2nd addition, beat to soft peak.

Add 1/3 egg whites to chocolate, whisk lightly to incorporate (no streaks.) Take the rest of the egg whites to chocolate mixture and fold in gently till incorporated. Pour into pan and smooth.

Bake in 325 oven for 13-18 minutes. (Middle will be a little jiggly, but firm on edges.)

Cool completely.

2nd layer.

7 oz. bittersweet chocolate
2 tbsp dutch processed cocoa powder
5 tbsp hot water
1 1/2 cup heavy cream
1 tbsp white sugar
1/8 tsp salt

Melt chocolate.
Meanwhile, mix cocoa powder and hot water.
Once both are cooled, mix liquid into melted chocolate.

Beat 1 1/2 cup heavy cream. Add 1 tbsp sugar and 1/8 tsp salt. When thickened, increase speed to high until soft peak.

Whisk 1/3 cream into chocolate mixture. Fold the rest of the cream in with a spatula (lightly) till no streaks.

Pour mousse on top of cake. Tap on counter to release bubble... smooth. Clean up sides of pan. Refrigerate for about 1 hour.

Top layer:

3/4 tsp gelatin
1 tbsp water
1/2 cup heavy cream
6 oz white chocolate
1 cup heavy cream

Sprinkle gelatin over 1 tbsp water and let soften for about 5 minutes.
Heat 1/2 cup heavy cream to simmer. Dissolve gelatin in cream. Pour over the white chocolate... whisk to smooth.
Allow to cool.
Whip 1 cup heavy cream to soft peak.
Whisk in 1/3 cream to white chocolate.
When incorporated, fold in remaining cream.

Spread white chocolate mousse over cake. Refrigerate for a few hours to overnight.

Set out for about 30-45 minutes before serving.


Unknown said...

OMGoodness...that looks devine! I will be trying this :)


Unknown said...

Oh my Lord ... there goes my skinny jeans.

Unknown said...

Ya know - it is dangerous putting pictures of things like that out there. That thing looks killer. :) I am so making this at some point.

Diana's Cocina said...

WOW,You rock! This looks incredible!

~LL~ said...

Lisa, at BlessedwithGrace said:
Oh my goodness!!! That looks awesome! Thanks for sharing such a great recipe! Woohoo. I want some now!

Alicia @ said...

Looks fabulous!!! I wanna make it! Now, my hubby, doenst like cake ( i know i know..) can I do something else for bottom like brownie or is this cake pretty thick and not cake tasting??

~LL~ said...

Oh Honey.... it is thicker than a brownie.... it does not have a cake-like texture at all... you just bake it, as you would a cake. There is no flour in it.... it would be like a very fudge-y brownie!!! The textures AND tastes get lighter as you go to the top.

Alicia @ said...

ohhh thank you!!!! Will give it a try!!