Hey, y'all. It's that time again...time for Making a Happy Home and Memorization.
First, let me explain what all this is about, then what I want....no, what I NEED to do in the next few weeks (months).
Making a Happy Home Monday is a blog carnival that I do to help inspire and encourage others to do something around their homes to make it happy. You can choose big projects or small. You can clean it, organize it or make it pretty. Either way, if you feel good by having done it, then you made your home happier. I have a few who participate who are very good...they inspire me.
This is something new I did to help ME....I need to start memorizing parts of the Bible (roll your eyes, if you must, but some of you know the importance of this)....."I have hidden your words in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11. "Hiding" His word in your heart is memorizing. Sometimes, you might be faced with an issue and you just don't have time to sit down and research the Word for an applicable scripture. However, if you KNOW the Word, then He will bring it to your mind when you need it.
I have been working on it and will continue.
You can read. You can comment. You can link up. You can link up on Mr. Linky (down at the bottom) and share with me and the other 3 readers some things you are working on. I would love to see them. You are an inspiration to me.
So for my part of Making a Happy Home Monday, I wanted to share what my hubby did for me. For Mother's Day. He truly made my home happy by purchasing for me an item that I have coveted for YEARS!
It's name is "BAKAWA" (pronounced /bah-kuh-wah/ (I'll explain the origin of that name in a later post....Only spendidimperfections and my DH know what this stands for.)
Anyway, I don't think I need to say anything more, TBH. Just HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!
For the scripture memorization, I will memorize John 1:1-5. (John 1:1 is my FAVORITE verse. WHY? Because it is saying that Jesus (the Word) was with God and was God....AND that what His role (as part of the Trinity) in creation. Powerful stuff, my friend. When I taught my kids this verse, I always followed up with, "And WHO is the Word?" and they tell me, "JESUS!"
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2The same was in the beginning with God.
3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Now, for other stuff....
I have a notebook (household) but I don't keep it like I would like to. I always have an excuse to NOT sit an do it...it is usually because I have too much to do. Hmmmmm.....what do you think?
You see, I consistently run 2 days behind. I'm going crazy. I mean, I can get done what HAS to be done when it has to be done....and I am busy. Some days are busier than others. So, I guess what I know and have to work with is that I CAN get it all done, but I have to catch up and get it all done in a timely fashion. Is that it?
So, what do I do now? I haven't a clue. I mean...I'm 2 days behind...I need to start working on time now instead of 2 days ago. BUT, I can't just shut down for 2 days to get caught up, you know?
My hubby goes canoing (is that how it is spelled? the spell-check caught it.....he is traveling by canoe) during his next amount of time off. I'm *hoping* that the next time off that my DH will be able to take the kids for 2 days and let me get caught up. No, wait....next time off, is the week of Memorial Day. I have at least 3 end of school parties to plan/attend....a 2nd grade poetry reading....awards for 2 kids....
OK, so NEXT time....hmmmm...my mother is having hip replacement surgery on the 6th. I have to take 4 kids to swimming lessons for an entire week (and only 2 of them are together so between travel and waiting for lessons I'll be "out-of-pocket" for about 3 hours that day...then have to feed the minions and do my regular stuff.
Do you see what I mean? It's not just school time that is busy for us. After my mother's surgery and the boys' swimming lessons, I will be preparing a trip to west Texas for a class reunion. we will be going to Boston in July. Two kids will be going to church camp soon after...they come back, and about 2 weeks later, we will have 3 kids going to school....(not to mention little 1-day/2-day trips to see grandparents and do important "WE ARE OUT OF SCHOOL" stuff.
Nope....I don't see getting caught up until school starts....I guess I'll just hang tight until mid-August. Then I'll have to hurry because shortly after school starts, The Great State Fair of Texas starts....and you know what that means!!! HOLIDAYS!
SO...I guess it would be prudent to go ahead and get my holiday notebook out, instead of my household notebook and work on that.
Hilarious! And I am so jealous of the Kitchen-Aide Mixer! I want one soooo bad! Glad you had a great day!
SWEET mixer! I have a blue one and I LOVE it!
I LOVE your red mixer. I have a red kitchen too, and would love one of those. To tell you the truth, D.S. probably wants one more than I do. He has wanted one for years.
Enjoy your mixer!!!
Girl!!!! I need to confess and ask your forgiveness, because I am SO COVETING YOUR MIXER!!!
WAY to go hubby!! That is awesome. I am sorry I can't get my act together to participate on Mondays.
Also, I like the new memorization part. Very cool. I agree that memorization is so important and I an so bad at it. Good for you.
Hey LL,
I did it again this week but just got home after a LOOOONG day away and don't have time to blog - let alone even log into my other blog to post this from the right account. Anyhow, today I worked very hard at getting ready for a huge garage sale I'm having with a friend next weekend. I've been clearing out overflow and the more I do of that - the happier I am making my home. So, anyhow, I did something but can't blog it today and I'll be back on Monday. Have a great week!
oooOOOoooOO! How fun! And for some reason, I just always pegged you as a red mixer kind of gal. ;)
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