Hey, y'all! Hope you are having a good beginning to the week. We are. It's just hot hot!
So, before I forget, I will try to activate Mr. Linky.....but he hasn't been cooperating with me lately. SO, you may, or may not, be able to link up. If it's not up, please leave a comment!
A lot of you already know what I do here, but I suppose there may be a few new readers....either to this blog-carnival or to the blog, in general. I started this blog-carnival as a way to hold myself accountable. You know....pride can be a powerful ally OR a horrible enemy. I have chosen to use it to work on my house. I tend to get a little lazy. But, if I put something out there, then I will do it. Otherwise, I might just think about it and never get it done.
The purpose of (hopefully) allowing everyone else to link up is the same. My hope is that this blog will encourage and inspire others to do something in their homes.
So what is a happy home? A happy home doesn't have to be spotless. Heaven help us if it does. LOL! It does need to be clutter free and well-running. I find that if there is an area of my home that doesn't work well...either it is cluttered, ugly or dirty.....then I need to remedy that somehow. When I do that, I'm happier. My hubby is happier. My kids are happier.
Please join me. Find an area of your home that needs to be cleaned, organized or beautiful. Take pictures if you can. Share them with us. This is a long process. One that, sadly, will never be DONE. It is a work in process. I hope you will join in on that process with me.
SO, without further adieu, I will share what I did for Making a Happy Home.
Do you remember a few weeks ago when I had the teaser about my cookbooks? Well, it is coming together, so be sure to tune in tomorrow for some BIG NEWS!
For today, let me show you the before and after.
I keep my cookbooks above my bar in the cabinets. Above my bar, on the counter, on the hearth, by my bed, in the FTU, on the sidebar, in the floor, on the kitchen table...the point is, my cooking library has exceeded the capacity for that space above the bar. That will probably not change. I can't give up more kitchen space because, well.....I cook and need that space. I don't want to keep it on our bookshelves in another room because that just seems wrong to me, somehow. :)
I have too many books. Specifically, I have too many cookbooks. (We'll talk about regular books later.) There are some cookbooks that, no matter how much I may or, may not, use them, I will never part with. There are some that I have looked through once and that was it. I'm sad that I invested the money into these and didn't use/keep them. I think my hubby understands, I hope so....otherwise, I'll never get another cookbook. :p
Here is a before picture of the area with my cookbooks.
Hey! That reminds me...I need to send you that cookbook! lol : )
Working on my MHHM-hopefully I'll get it linked up!
I see that red and white checkerboarded cookbook! I 've got one too, and my mother thought I needed the pink checkerboarded one too, so I have both now. Thanks for spuring me on to a more organized home!
YAY! It looks so good! I've been on a mad mission of cleaning the past 10 days or so. I am also going to attempt to get better at blogging... so much to do:)
I recognize the spines of several cookbooks that I own too! Great cooks think alike. You're inspiring me to clean up around my place too.
Great transformation on this cabinet! I added my link to mr. linky. Sorry I'm late. I came by the last couple of weeks, and I assumed you weren't doing the Mr. Linky anymore.
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