I'm not mad or anything. I just forget to do it. Every now and again, I'll post a fave, but not under an actual set schedule or anything.
In light of the fast-approach of the holidays, I would like to share one of my favorite sites.
How much do I love it?
I check it on the 25th of every month for the "Rudolph Club Meeting."
I have my own holiday organization notebook....now to organize it.
I can get lost and spend hours on that site. I could, but I don't. It makes me feel very anxious. Because I'm just not organized enough. I do hope that, in time, I will be organized enough (at least where the holidays are concerned), so that I can just follow the monthly reminder and not have my normal meltdown(s) concerning all the stuff I want to do.
SO...in celebration of my FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR (from the opening of the Great State Fair of Texas till January 2nd) I have been working on my own notebook.
I have the printables mostly done (working on that, as we "speak"). I have enough copies of my Christmas card list made. I just need to fill those in. I have gone through last year's cards to see who should, or should not, be scratched off my list. (Yes...gone are the days where I make and send out 125-150 cards when I only receive about 50.) Makes me sad, really. I just love doing cards. I know that not everyone is into cards...and I try to keep that in mind. YOU will get one, but if you used to send us a card and then you just went bat**** crazy on us (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) and stopped sending us holiday greetings, then YOU, my friend, are SCRATCHED OFF MY LIST!!! I have no doubt that there will be some names added to my list as I receive cards and remember that I really do like you, but I gotta get it in control......OK......breathe.....just breathe!
*ahem* (insert embarrassed chuckle here). All that to say that today's FAVORITE THING is the aforementioned website. You can jump around the site to non-holiday things....organizing the home or other holidays. There are ideas for frugal decorating, getting the house cleaned well before the onslaught of guests, gift ideas, ideas and instructions for homemade gifts.....just a lot of fun stuff. I hope you will check it out.
You are too funny!
My mom, sister, Cayden and myself went walking down by the beach today and did some shopping and just so you know I reminded them that Christmas is ONLY 6 months away!! You were in my head, and so I shared it with them today...LOL!
You are too funny!!
It's never to early to plan. I'll have to check out this site.
I'm going to check out this site! I love Christmas too!!
bummer about FTF.
You will be proud...I bought my first Christmas gift yesterday! I know, you probably have me beat, but I am so proud!
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