Hey, y'all! It's Tuesday....time for TEMPT MY TUMMY TUESDAY! You all remember my friend, Lisa? Well, she and her twin, Lana, co-host this blog carnival in which so many people link up and share recipes, tips, and ideas dealing with the kitchen. It's a lot of fun. I hope you will pop on over and join us.
I have been hinting at a cookbook give-away for a few weeks now. And yesterday, I PROMISED that there would be something great today. SO......here it is.
Here are some pictures:
They include:
365 Foods Kids Love
The New Woman's Day Cookbook
Everyday Chocolate
Country Cooking
From My Mother's Kitchen
Necessities and Temptations
Southern Living Slow-Cooker
Dear Daughter
Meals Like Mom
The Lady and Sons (Yes....a Paula Deen book)
Chili Cookbook
29 magazines and inserts (these are mostly Cooks Country and Cooks Illustrated)
SO....how do you get one? Well, May 29th was my 3rd Blog-versary! That, alone, is a good reason to have a give-away. First, I would like to thank my faithful few. Some of you have been "with" me since the beginning of this little hobby of mine. Some of you joined in later. To those of you who read AND comment consistently (no...not every single post, but I don't have to jog my memory as to who you are) then I would like to guarantee you something. Now.....this number is less than 10....it's closer to 6. If you are one of those...and you know who you are...then leave me a comment with your top three choices. I will then get back to you as to what you are awarded. Since there are a few that will be more popular than others, then the first one to respond with their first choice gets it.
After that is claimed, then I will open up the remains to an actual random drawing. Sound good? I hope so. You don't know the pain I feel in giving these away...please love them!
ETA: I will not be mailing anything until next week. I am leaving town tomorrow for the rest of the week.
Neat idea LL!
Happy belated BLOGIVERSARY!
All right-not sure how consistent I am in commenting, but hopefully you at least know who I am without thinking about it too hard! ; )
I'd love the Everyday Chocolate, but I'd be happy to try a new one after everyone else has had their choice.
Lisa...you want anything? You're a regular.
Catey...I gotcha, girl. Chocolate on it's way.
I don't know if I am on your "list" but if I am I would like "From my mother's kitchen" If not I hope to win a drawing - if not I will still read! (And comment!)
VERY COOL!!! I love that you have Necessities and Temptation. It is one of mine and Lana's favorite. We will be giving one of those away for the TMTT anniversary, in July.
I am going to tell you the ones I am interested in... don'g know if it matters (not sure if I am one of the lucky few...)
Everyday Chocolate - yummy
From my Mother's Kitchen - you KNOW there is good stuff in that!
Meals Like Mom- again - has to be good!!!
I hope you get lots of good participation!! I am going put out a twit about it, for you.
LL - Have a safe and blessed trip! I hope you enjoy "looking back!" We are going to my husbands 20th reunion in October! (I am sure he is glad I announced THAT!) He has a little bit of an AGE-Complex since I am 8 yrs younger and we have a soon to be 2 yr old and most of his high-school buddies have children that are almost grown - they give him a hard time about it sometimes! Anyway I hope you have a safe and fun trip!
Blessings to you and your family;
Amy Q
I would love and cherish any of the cookbooks. The Southern Living Slow Cooker one looks good, with my hectic schedule it's nice to have something I can just pop in the crock pot. Thanks!
BTW-thank you for letting me know I'm not the only one with "messes"...and it's ok not to show them all!
What a great giveaway. After your regular commenters get their choice, I'd love to be eligible. I like the Country Cooking and Meals like Mom. Congrats on your blogiversary.
I am a long time reader though I think I have only commented one or twice! Thank you for your blog I check it often! I would love to be counted in your drawing!!
Just swinging by to say hi - and seeing if you posted a Favorite Things Friday post. I missed it this week. I don't need a new cookbook but I do hope you kind of know who I am :)
Have a great week and looking forward to MAHHM and FTF - but I will be gone all day on Monday with cub scout day camp so I won't be MAHH.
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